More Interaction and Connection with Intranet

More Interaction and Connection with Intranet

Hybrid working requires a digital working environment in which all employees work together productively and are maximally involved in your organisation. However nowadays it is no longer just about productivity. Staff shortages and personal development will increase the needs of your employees to feel more connected to the organisation. With a good intranet you can ensure your staff can connect and interact with the organisation.

The hybrid working paradox

Did you know that almost three quarters of employees still want to work from home regularly even after COVID? At the same time, 67 percent of employees indicate that they have a greater need for personal contact and connection with colleagues and with the organisation.

We call this the hybrid working paradox. And this paradox is a recognisable challenge for most organisations. The intranet is a means to involve everyone in the organisation. And the key to connection is a modern, relevant and social intranet. If you have a Microsoft 365 license, you have direct access to the necessary building blocks to realise a good intranet with SharePoint Online, Viva Connections and Viva Engage.

A modern intranet

The starting point: a modern intranet based on SharePoint Online. The basis for all information provision within your organisation. And all the building blocks and functionality for a modern intranet are already present within SharePoint. This makes it very easy to create dashboards with exactly the information that is important for each user or user group.

Also a modern intranet fits seamlessly with your communication strategy. It is designed in your own corporate identity, the intranet contains relevant content for your employees and has logical navigation. In addition, it is always responsive for mobile devices.

A relevant intranet

Make sure your intranet is the daily starting point for every employee, without employees having to open separate apps for their daily work. That’s why a relevant intranet brings together the most important information, tasks and apps within Microsoft Teams. This is possible with Viva Connections.

With Viva Connections you create a dashboard made up of ‘cards’. Such a card represents a certain functionality. Think of approvals, writing hours, or assigned tasks. You can easily expand the dashboard with self-made maps, for example PowerApps, or maps from Microsoft and the partner ecosystem. This makes the intranet relevant, because you can configure the cards according to your own wishes.

Viva Connections, included in most Microsoft 365 licenses, is a powerful tool to increase the number of visitors to your intranet.

A social intranet

An intranet becomes social when your employees can exchange ideas with each other in communities about a subject or theme. Make sure that each community has an owner who facilitates the community and where members can go with questions.

The advantage of a community? That everyone sees the right information at the same time and, unlike with e-mail, keeps an overview of what has been discussed. And it is a great way to communicate outside the organizational structure. Because communities can be work-related, but also about social topics. With Viva Engage (formerly Yammer) you take care of this social part of the intranet.

Tech-West Cloud Computing and Business IT Consultancy

At Tech-West we provide excellent cloud computing services giving your business a fast and secure cloud environment for your intranet. We also offer MS SharePoint consultancy for your business. Combined with our excellent business IT services we provide the full package to upgrade your business to a flexible organisation. Contact us today to discuss.