Reducing Costs through Automation

Last week I had the opportunity to speak at a local networking group about how you can reduce your operational costs and increase productivity through the use of technology that you probably already have access too. Microsoft 365 Power Platform is a great set of tools that help your business streamline operations and automate business processes freeing up your time to do the things in your business that will make you more money.

If you’d like to see the presentation click on the link below to watch a recording

If you’d like more information on any of the topics discussed please don’t hesitate to give us a call on 0117-235-9600 or fill out the Contact Us form and we’ll call you straight back.

Just wanted to say thanks to Tech West Ltd for your talk last week at The Windmill. I have spent a good 10 HOURS this weekend wrapping my head around Power Automate so that it will take away the ongoing time pressure of contacting all my customers every week to let them know when we’re coming. Ooh it was a head scratcher to get it to work! But it’s solved such a massive problem for me and I’d never have known about it without your input. Thank you!

Katie’s Green Gardening, Clevedon